The Annual Charity Dinner held on Sunday September 28th at Tavistock Country Club. The event was a huge success with this years attendance exceeding that of last year by 20%.
The Board of Directors at Carz N’ Toyz would like to thank all of you for your most generous and overwhelming support of our Annual Charity Dinner held on Sunday September 28th at Tavistock Country Club. The event was a huge success with this years attendance exceeding that of last year by 20%.
The Dinner, Auction and Ad Book raised over $50,000 which will be used to purchase toys, books, book cases, defibrillators, oxygen monitoring equipment, special needs car seats, TV Monitors and other items specifically requested by Carz N’ Toyz beneficiaries, Virtua, Weisman Children’s Rehabilitation Hospital and the Osborn Facility at Our Lady of Lourdes.
The event featured a surf and turf dinner and a spirited auction of items donated by local merchants such as a diamond pendant from Morton & Rudolph, a rental of an Aston Martin from Imagine Lifestyles and 2 dinners for 10 by Chef Nunzio Pertuno. In total 12 valuable items were auctioned by Carz N’ Toyz Treasurer Bob Paglione with a little help from Peter Hovnanian. The evening culminated with a presentation of a $5,000 check to Carz N’ Toyz from Firstrust Bank.
President Sam Lacroce and the entire Board are very grateful to all of the generous event sponsors, to those in attendance, to all that purchased an ad in the Ad Book, to all that donated an item to be auctioned, to those who participated in the auction, to all that sent a donation and to everyone that wished us well.